Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Christians Should Think About Anarchy

It is time we began to consider anarchy seriously. Our vocation is to love the people of this world, to stand in defiance of injustice, suffering and oppression. The thing is, much of the injustice in the world, today and in the past, has been sanctioned, if not propagated by, one state or another. Should we not, therefore, at least consider whether there is something wrong with statehood itself?

The bible-writers did. Kind David was more commited & intimate in his relationship with God than I and many I know, yet he was so corrupted by power as to break almost all of the commandments during his reign as king. A little before King David's time, the Hebrew tribes didn't have a king at all, or any real kind of state. And this is how God intended for them to be. When they asked for a king, the prophet Samuel told them that a king would 'lord it over them' and unjustly take their possesions. When in the end the decide to 'become like other nations' (the opposite of their vocation), God says 'It is not you but me they have rejected'. Does this this mean executive power of an individual is a form of idolatry? Like I said, we've a right to ask...

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