Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Guayaquill poem

 Well, it's been too long since my last post, that's for sure! I'm back in England now, and officially finished my time with action teams, which has left my quite low. I'm settling in slowly though. Anyway, today I'd like to share a poem I wrote in Ecuador, after looking up at the clouds, and remembering a time back home when I'd been out at night far away from any city.

    I sigh for clouds that once, with stars, shone silver white,
            are dimmed, darkened like dust,
            by the glare of these bright bulbs.
    Such sorrow, I say!
    To see this beauty: tamed and tarnished.
    But why weep I for clouds, while hungry children stand?
    Because 'tis not of clouds I write,
            but YOU.

 I'm not really sure what this is about - it sums up my feelings about a lot of things really.