Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hi there! Just a quick thought today, but one I believe to be most interesting! Been thinking about the idea of praying 'in the spirit'. We often view prayer as one of two things - listening to God or speaking to him. However, something fascinating is that some people (myself included) do not simply experience God's presence when they pray, but feel that the spirit influences the prayers themselves. One of the most extreme example of this is speaking in tounges: a person will often speak to God like this, even though only God knows what they're saying! It's almost as if God were praying to himself. This suggests to me another way of thinking about prayer: as taking part in the relationship between the Spirit and the Father. Following from this is the idea that we do not experience God only when we are silent, but also in speaking.

I'm not sure this makes perfect sense, or is entirely orthodox, but I think it worth pondering on.